Shortest Ray Tracer

December 19, 2006

In 1992, Brad Grantham and I challenged each other to write the shortest ray tracer possible. The program should take a set of sphere coordinates and radii on the command line, and output an ASCII rendering of the scene:

% ray x1 y1 z1 r1 [x2 y2 z2 r2 ...]

For example:

% ray  0 0 0 15  -15 2 15 5  10 -10 10 5

The program with the shortest source code, measured in characters, would win. (Details: 80 characters per line maximum; the only compile switch is -lm for the math library; use .-:=#@ for the brightness of a pixel.) I spent an entire Wednesday on it, failing a statistics mid-term as a result.

In the end, my version was one character shorter than Brad's. Luckily, he kept them in his vast email archives. Here's mine:

#define s atoi(*b++)
float sqrt(),A,B,i,o,w=-22,_,h,r,d,e,f;main(L,c,b)char**c,**b;{for(;w<22;w+=2){

This was Brad's:


(The original specs weren't precise on where the eyepoint should be, so Brad put his at the origin and I put mine recessed from the origin.) Brad has since found two characters to remove, so in these versions Brad's is one character shorter than mine (326 to 327).

It's a worthwhile exercise to try to write one of these. You learn a lot about C. Start with a normal program and keep shortening it. If you don't have that much time, then just try to shorten one of the above two programs. You'll probably find a lot of ideas that, when tried, either make the program longer or crash it.

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